no authenticity

today let us get rid of the concept of ‘authenticity’

without ‘authenticity’ there would be no reason to fake anything.

without ‘authenticity’ there would be simply. and no measure of what is greater, locality or worldliness.

dare i say that there might not be a ‘being’ or ‘ownership’. certainly title insurance would not exist!

there also be no need to ‘lie’ because when we lie, we prize that aspect of things that are ‘true’ over things that are ‘not so’

and then maybe, Heidegger could be completely alive for longer than a moment right before his own death.

and buddhists would also not have to be ‘no-mind’ or ‘buddha nature’ because even daydreamers and schemers are just who they are.

without ‘authenticity’ there would be no ‘poser’ no ‘virgin’ no ‘elite’ no ‘bourgeois’ and no ‘original’.

i think without ‘authenticity’ we can all hold hands and sing kumbaya without needing congo drums or pot. wouldn’t that be nice?

whole foods would go out of business (yay) and the generics would flourish as generics. they wouldn’t have to pretend to be something else.

also, beyond ‘authenticity’

at some point theory is just another text, not to be prized or somehow more genuine than other texts just another piece of bullshit

instead of class, or race, or gender or ‘oppression’ there ought to be another name for that which exercises identity and in the process of

doing so, makes separations, cleaves people & designates, determines them to be lesser or greater.

i guess that’s like the zone of luce irigaray, who i have not read in a long time. i said cleaves and zone to be punny.

i suppose benjamin might want to be brought in, with this notion of art and originals… but anyway

the ‘moron in a hurry’ rests his case.

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